A Tribute to Mighty Markus

My Greatest Teacher and Soul Companion

By Beckie Boger


I am a saging, aging, slightly feral, introverted contemplative enjoying a quiet, simple life in the country. I am, always have been, and always will be, a wild child with a wild spirituality. My spirit comes alive while in relationship with nature and animals. Mother Earth is my sanctuary, and all of creation speaks of my Beloved Spiritual Companion. I attend church in the woods and/or barn most days.

A Journey Through Music and Ego

Most of my youth and mid-life led me into the ways of the world as a professional musician and singer-songwriter chasing a dream. It was on the stage in bars and churches, festivals, and concert halls where I had to find an acceptable way to publicly share my gifts and passions in a more extroverted way. My heart was in the right place, but my ego had a mind of its own.

Eventually, I couldn't stand myself anymore or deny the still small voice in the midst of my restlessness and resistance, hounding me to draw closer to drink from a deeper well.

A Sacred Journey of Transformation

So, I walked away from all the hype and adoration. After a time of wandering around in my new lack of identity and purpose, I found myself on a surprisingly challenging yet life-giving two-and-a-half-year sacred journey of spiritual formation to become a spiritual director/companion.

This was to be that in-between season of my life where I would reluctantly acknowledge and befriend my shadow, explore my growing edges, and wrestle with and re-imagine the faith of my childhood. I learned to welcome and embrace the beautiful mess of my True Self.

The Calling: Divine Equines

This calling to love and serve others with my spiritual gifts as a compassionate listening presence eventually converged with my love for horses, the natural world, and my experience and training in the healing and equestrian arts. This union led to the creation of Divine Equines Horse-centered Soul Care—spiritual direction with horses!

I now come alongside adult trauma survivors to help them reclaim the wisdom in their body and soul and repair their relationship wounds. This is done by mindfully and spiritually connecting and reflecting soul-to-soul on the ground in nature, with horses. I also offer traditional spiritual direction in my home.

Mighty Markus: A Spiritual Teacher

It was a gentle, wise horse named Mighty Markus who came into my life and became my greatest spiritual teacher, gifted co-facilitator and healer, and dearest soul friend/companion. He showed me who I was, without judgment, by honestly holding space for me to see myself reflected in every moment of our relationship together.

Markus felt everything in me—almost always before I did. He helped me get out of my head, into my body, and opened my heart to the mystical. He modeled the practice of presence for me.

Lessons in Presence and Being

Building a relationship with a nuanced, sentient, 1,000-pound being like a horse helps us become more centered and grounded in the sacred now. It heightens our self-awareness and attunes our connection with our spiritual source. Markus continuously reminded me to "whoa down," pay attention to my thoughts and body language, and quiet my mind—one long exhale, one slow step, one ragged prayer at a time.

Gradually, over many years together, my insides began to match my outsides in a more congruent way, and my human and horse relationships were greatly improved.

Saying Goodbye to Mighty Markus

Markus left for greener pastures a little over a year ago. After a valiant, miraculous, and overwhelming three-week group effort to save his life, we decided it was time to help end his suffering and let him run free at last.

I try to celebrate the sacred ordinary of his life and legacy daily by savoring the simple joys he taught me: a sweet banana, a juicy slice of watermelon, a sprig of wild spearmint, or a slow drink of cool water. I strive to trust my gut, be more honest, patient, and kind, and see others with the eyes of my heart.

The Sacred Connection

Horses may not be magical, but they are Divine companions for our journey of soul care and healing. They teach us presence, patience, and connection to the sacred within and around us. Through Markus and the work of Divine Equines, I continue to honor this profound journey of healing and growth.


The Practice of Presence: Insights from Divine Equines